Wednesday 26 November 2014

German Expressionist Art

German Expressionism refers to a number of creative movements throughout post WWI Germany to rise of the Nazi's. It was a part of the larger Expressionist movement that was going on throughout Europe at the time. It was a vast collection of artists, writers, dancers, theatre performers and various other creatives.

German expressionist painters often distorted colour, shape and features to convey a completely subjective portrayal. Many of the German expressionists were war veterans from the first world war, so they had a jaded, post war view of the world and this came through in a lot of their work. A lot of the German Expressionist art was very anti-war because of this, with many painters such as Otto Dix and George Grosz joining the Dada movement.

Otto Dix

The Match Seller, Otto Dix 1920

George Grosz
Moonlit Night, George Grosz 1916-1917 1/12/14

Wassily Kadinsky

Transverse Line, Wassily Kadinsky 1923 1/12/14 

Max Beckmann

Family Picture, Max Beckmann 1920 1/12/14

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