Saturday 29 November 2014

Contemporary Character Posts 6, 7, 8, 9

6: What does the character want?

Sally wants to be famous. She wants to be recognised and will go to any lengths to achieve this.

7: Why does the character want it?

She wants recognition, but she is also a very money driven person. With fame comes money, and she wants to live in luxury. She is a classic "champagne taste on a beer budget" person.

8: Why does the character want it now?

Her child-like qualities make her impatient and she doesn't want to have to wait, or to earn her way to the top. She will go to any lengths and charm who ever she needs to to get her to fastest, easiest way to fame and money.

9: What will happen if the character doesn't get it now?

She will probably go to more extreme measures to achieve her goal. Failure is not an option for Sally.

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