Tuesday 2 December 2014

Contemporary Sally Bowles Photoshoot

Here are some of the images from my photo shoot for my contemporary version of Sally Bowles. All in all I'm really pleased with how the look turned out.
After speaking to Sharon and Kat Vogart about my design, I decided to go a slightly different route and create the Otto Dix painting on both sides of the face, but just the top half. I softened the white as I got further down the face to create a "ombre" to mimic the "ombre" of the pink and yellow under the eye, and this helped to make the lips stand out a little more and look even more contemporary.

 There were a few issues with the makeup, for example the black around the eyes kept on creasing no matter what I did; powder, eye shadow base etc. I definitely will not be using greasepaint on the eyes again! I had to stand behind the camera with my blending brush in hand and fix it after every couple of shots and it all turned out fine. I had to do the same with lips, due to the sheer amount of gloss and lipstick used to achieve the effect, I had to continuously fix it as we went along . It was really great experience as I got a photography student to shoot for me. and we worked really well together, continuously checking the photos as they were being taken to see what adjustments needed to be made and what was showing up on camera etc. 

I'm extremely happy with how my look turned out, despite the makeup issues. I definitely feel that I  overcame them quite well however.

I also had to deepen the brush line on the nose that was part of my design. Up close it looked fine, but on camera it just looked well contoured, but it needed to be a little more defined to look like a brush stroke.

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